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Beekeepers coming together to share experience and education.
Here is a list of some of the items you will need when starting out:
Bee Hive consist of:
Bottom Board - The wooden stand on which the hive sits. The bottom board will need to sit on a flat surface like a concrete block to keep it off the ground.
Brood Chamber - A wooden box called a "super" or "brood box". These boxes can be 8 or 10 frame boxes. This box is for bees to rear brood and store honey to eat.
Frames and foundation - Wooden frames that hold sheets of beeswax foundation that bees build their comb on.
Honey Supers - Shallow boxes of frames with built out comb are used for the bees to store excess honey. This is the honey that will be harvested.
Inner Cover - Used between the outer cover and hive top. It keeps the bees from building comb on the outer cover, helps protect from the elements, and helps with ventilation.
Outer Cover - A weather resistant lid for the hive. It goes on the very top of the hive.
Smoker - The most valuable tool for working bees. The smoke calms the bees and helps prevent stings.
Feeder - Holds sugar syrup that is fed to the bees to help sustain them in early spring and fall.
Hive Tool - Specific shaped tool that is used to pry apart frames and supers.
Gloves, Veil or Suit - Protective clothing worn to protect the body from stings.

Bill Slack
(706) 638-3791
Used Hive Bodies, Supers, Frames
Buzzy Bee Apiaries
13 McKinley Avenue
Ringgold, GA 30736
Martin Kotar
(423) 6181680
Buzz Beekeeping Supplies
Forester Farms & Apiary
~ Derrick Forester
(423) 413-5370
Honey House/Retail Store/Come sit on my porch
Honey extraction $25 flat fee
Wax spinner $5.00
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