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If the bees are located in a structure or building, by law they can only be removed by a licensed bee removal expert.  The contacts on this page can assist with removing swarms that are not in a structure or building.


If you see a cluster or ball of honey bees hanging from a tree branch, that is likely a swarm.  Honey bees typically swarm in Spring.  The old queen and a portion of bees will leave their old hive and search for a new own.  The old hive will raise a new queen.  This is the bee's way of reproducing their colony.  

The bees who have left their old hive will 'hang out' in a cluster, usually on a tree branch, while they send out scout bees to locate a new home.  Once a suitable new home has been found the swarm will move to the new location.


If you decide to do nothing, the swarm will likely move on within 48 hrs.  However, having the swarm removed by a beekeeper is preferred - it increases the bee's change of survival and reduces the chances of the bees moving in to someone's house.

Members willing to help with swarm removal;

Roger Ardis ~ (423) 667-9637

Derick Forester ~ (423) 413-5370

Bill Slack ~ (706) 638-3791

Steve Wilson ~ (423) 762-1308

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